Introduction |
Back in December 2006 I was wondering what to make after the Firefly.
While researching Firefly stuff on the web, I came across Eddy's Schenkel site here.
Cool! All the hard work was done right? Someone had already figured out how to make it.....yeah, right!
Wow, this sucker is complicated.
Up top it looks like a straight forward sculpt with legs, but underneath it is a complex pile of pipes, tank wheels,
cars parts, tubes, wires etc. Spaghetti central.
Well, call me stupid or stuborn, but I enjoy a challenge so with some help from Mashinen Ojisan (of Nutrocker Blog)
I gathered the remaining donor kits from Japan.
Now it is August 2007 and I'm starting my prep-work.
This essentially involves gathering every bit of reference material
I can find, scaling up photo's for some perspective and then finally drawing the vector art plans which
go towards the kit artwork too.
2015 Update |
A gorgeous 1/35 resin kit has been released ! I've naturally put this project on hold.