Background, 10k
SF3D Timeline Notes, 10k

This timeline is still very much a work in progress, and so if you have any information that can be added to what is already present, then please email me.


Whilst I did a lot of research with this timeline, the following sources were very invaluable.

  • Ma.K Chronology Table
    Both the English and Japanese versions were used as they both have some slightly different entries.
  • Krueger's Krieger SF3D Background Story and Timeline

  • Ma.K B.D Book by Kow Yokoyama
  • Ma.K B.D Book, 2nd Edition by Kow Yokoyama
  • Maschinen Krieger Chronicle and Encylopedia, volume 1 by Kow Yokoyama
  • Maschinen Krieger Chronicle and Encylopedia, volume 2 by Kow Yokoyama
  • Ma.K Modelling Book by Kow Yokoyama

    A lot of dates were gotten from these books, but unfortunately I don't read Japanese or German and had to extrapolate from the descriptions.

  • The SF3D Original Foundation Story
  • The SF3D Catalogue

  • The MA.K. ZbV3000 discussion group
  • The 2887 discussion group

Unfortunately, even with all this help, I still came across a few inconsistencies, and thus the dates in the timeline that I use are ones that I feel are more accurate. Although, I may be wrong.

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