Rules, 10k
New Combat Rules, 10k

The regular combat rules in S.F.3.D. can be too cumbersome and requires two die rolls for every shot. The new table below is inspired by Ogre/GEV's CRT, while the alternate ranges used above are based on Battletech. They are intended to simplify and speed game play. They are still under playtest.

Take the attacking unit's strength at that range band and apply the usual modifiers (Indirect fire, target immobile, Ground vs Air, ECM etc) and compare to defender's strength to generate a ratio. Round in favour of the defender.

Example: a strength 12 attack vs a strength 5 defence is a 2-1 attack ratio.

Find the column for that ratio on the table below and roll one die with the following cumulative modifiers: Class A: -1, Class B: 0, Class C: +1 and Rocket attack: -1.

    Attack to Defence Ratio
    Roll1-21-12-13-14-15-1 or better

    NE No effect
    A Armament disabled
    M Immobilised
    X Destroyed

I have placed "M" as being worse than "A" results because an "M" results destroys aircraft in flight and immobilised units are easy targets, especially for artillery.
Initial play testing shows that between comparable units (say a Ravin versus Pzkfw 182) that combat at Medium range give you a good chance to survive, but Short-range combat is bloody as hell.

One optional rule to further add is that units in Strongpoints use the modifier not on the attacker's strength before generating the ratio but on the CRT instead! This gives fortified positions a much better chance of surviving and really makes them something to take seriously. Yes, a Green Buffalo in a Strongpoint would be very difficult to take out, but:

  • A. It's realistic.
  • B. That's what artillery is for: stationary targets...

Alternate spillover attack strength:

Use half the attack strength, rather than reducing it by -2. It makes better sense with these rules.

Home, 3k