Once the Mercenaries had started launching their units into space via their Banana Boats, the SDR realised that they had to do something about it. For this, they reorganised some of their space forces into Interception Battalions whose mission would be to detect, track and engage Earth-launched Mercenary forces, employing specially designed space fighters.
However, the Mercenaries had always suspected something like this would happen and had introduced their Interceptor to escort the unarmed transports.
This scenario represents a typical encounter of Mercenary escort and SDR interception forces...
Date: February 2886
Map: Use the blank space map. A floating map may be used if desired. ![]()
Setup: The SDR:
The SDR can set up their forces anywhere on the far egde on the map. They may have up to thrust 4 to the rear. The Mercenaries:
The Mercenaries start along the opposite edge of the map to the SDR forces. They may have up to 2 thrust to the rear if desired. All SAFS are docked within the Banana Boats.
Game length: 10 turns
Victory conditions: The Mercenaries are trying to get supplies to their lunar base and must protect the Banana Boats (which are carrying the supplies in addition their Fireballs). The Mercenaries must therefore get one Boat to exit the map that the SDR start from. In addition, they must destroy the Ferkel which can be used to track the fleeing boats back to the lunar base. The SDR are trying to destroy the Banana Boats. Elimination of the other units is nice but not essential as they aren't carrying any vital supplies. Any unit leaving the map before the victory conditions are met is deemed to have left the play area and is out of the game and considered destroyed for victory conditions.
Special rules: This is a space scenario and thus follows all the found in the Space Combat section. |