With the war expanding and dragging on, the sphere on which it was fought also expanded, taking it across the seas and to the North American continent and Canada. With the Mercenaries and resistance forces conducting hit-and-run raids, the Shutoral Army was forced to invade and open up a new front. They brought with them a lot of heavy equipment and soon started to attack the Mercenary positions with heavy weapons, over-running several settlements.
This scenario depicts the opening of the assault on Toronto. The Shutoral forces are entrenched around the city, attacking it with artillery before the main attack, and the Mercenary forces are trying to disable this threat. Ferret Squad has drawn the short straw in this case and have tracked an Shutoral artillery battery which they intend to destroy. This scenario is based on the events outlined in the story Ferret Squad.
Date: May 2885.
Map: Use map 2. North is facing the xx01 hex line. ![]()
Setup: The SDR:
The SDR start within a three hex radius of 1408, but must be in clear or rough terrain, not in any forests. The Mercenaries:
The Mercenaries may set up in the forest starting in hex 0301 and finishing in hex 0805.
Game length: 10 turns
Victory conditions: The Mercenary player is attempting to destroy the artillery unit and then escape off the board with minimum casualties, whilst the Shutoral player is trying to stop this. If any Shutoral artillery pieces remain active after ten turns, then this is a Shutoral victory.
Special rules: There are several special units in this scenario. These include the following: PzKw.182 AA: This is a special anti-aircraft and point defence variant of the standard PzKw.182 tank. It is essentially a standard PzKw.182 with a Point Defence fire control upgrade. PzKw.182 Artillery Vehicle: This is another variant of the standard PzKw.182. It removes the standard weapon of the vehicle and replaces it with an artillery piece. During the course of this scenario, these vehicles may not move until the Mercenaries call in their first artillery strike - they are busy shelling mercenary positions. They do not have any weapons that may be used in this game. SAFS Mk II Engineer: The engineer variant of the SAFS Mk II is identical to the standard Mk II, but doesn't have the laser. Instead, it has two arms with hands to allow for standard manipulation. In game terms then, it is unarmed. However, the engineering variant does carry 15 attack strength worth of mines. These may be placed in a hex that the engineer has walked through, and the hex is then recorded secretly, along with how many attack strength of mines have been placed there. Once the engineer moves out of that hex, the mines are now active and will attack the first unit (enemy or friendly) that moves in the mined hex. Attacking the Mercenaries: Due to the mercenary forces arriving by stealth, they may not be attacked by the Shutoral forces until they have exited the forest, or opened fire on the Shutoral forces. Once they leave the forest, they will be detected and subject to all normal rules. |