units, 10k
SDR Forces, 10k

For 'real world' information and images about the particular units listed here, please click on the unit name.
Man = Manoeuvre

Sliding Thrust
UnitClassDefencePhysical VPDateSource12,63,54 SpinManFuel
SS-4 B2 Weltraun Jagdflieger SternailIII4B (4)-21000/01/85K420112100
Morgenstern *II3B 2B-2500/00/85K31113240
    EW abilites: Spotting (2), Targeting (+3), ECM (2), Jamming (2)
PKA Wapruf ausf F FliegeI3B-1400/12/85K30002230
SS-87 F6 Weltraun Jagd P.O.D. FerkelII4B (2)-2800/00/86K32002250
    EW abilites: Spotting (2), Targeting (+3), ECM (2), Jamming (2)
PKA Wapruf ausf K KauzI4B-0400/01/86K40002230

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