units, 10k
Australian Mercenary Forces, 10k

For 'real world' information and images about the particular units listed here, please click on the unit name.

    May transport infantry
J-40 (S) FledermausIII2F3C--300/00/82I
Sdh.222f SandstalkerII12H1C-22/1/2200/00/82I
Sdh.232m SandstalkerII8H2C-22/1/2200/00/82II
Y-15 MBTII6C4B-2?/0/1425/09/82I
AFS Mk II5W2C-0-115/06/83K
AFS Mk III5W2B-0-200/07/83I
PRG41 ChiakiIII3F3C--300/11/83K
AFS ChiakiI5W2B-0-200/11/83I
AFS P Polar BearI5W2B-0-200/00/84I
AFS Mk IIII5W2B-0-200/00/84I
AFS Trydent II3W (5U)2B-0-300/00/84K
    May use either ground or sea movement. The waterdrive can be dropped at the beginning of a movement phase, in which case ground movement increases to 5W.
Neptune SubmarineIV10U3B(4)-2-800/00/84K
Green BuffaloII5C4A-22/1/2500/06/84II
Green Buffalo (conventional)II6C3A-22/1/2400/06/84T
Sdh.222f Sandstalker (upgraded)II12H1C-22/1/2200/08/84I
Sdh.232m Sandstalker (upgraded)II8H2C-22/1/2200/08/84II
Panzerwerfer Y-615 DollhouseII6C4A-2?/0/1831/08/84I
AFS ArchelonI5W3B-0-300/09/84K
SAFS PrototypeI5W2B-0-300/09/84K
SAFS Mk II5W3B-0-325/12/84I
AFS (S) SkinheadI4W3B-0-200/00/85II
SAFS Achilles AI5W4B-0-400/00/85K
    Has explosive detection equipment.
SAFS Achilles BI5W4B-0-300/00/85K
    Has explosive detection equipment. Can function as an engineering unit. Unarmed
SAFS R RaccoonI5W3B-0-500/00/85II
SAFS Trydent III3W (5U)3B-0-400/00/85K
Tornado HovercycleI20 H3C-2-200/00/85K
Dollhouse AAII6C4A-2?/0/1600/01/85T
Dollhouse Field Command VehicleII6C4A-2?/0/1500/01/85T
Dollhouse Recovery VehicleII6C4A-2-300/01/85T
HAFS JerryII4W2B-1-300/01/85I
Udk.38 SchenkelII2W4C-23/2/3300/01/85I
PK41-5 Moby DickIII3F3B--406/03/85K
SAFS Mk III5W (12B)3B-0-400/04/85II
HAFS GladiatorII5W5B-1-600/05/85II
HAFS GoblinII4W3B-1-400/05/85II
HAFS Super JerryII4W3B-12/1/2300/05/85I
SF2-U Scout FlyerIII2F2C--400/05/85K
Pkf.85 FalkeIII4F4A--400/09/85I
Pkf.85 Falke w/ laserIII5F4A--500/10/85I
Pkf.85 Falke upgradedIII5F4A--500/10/85I
SAFS Mk IIII5W4B-0-500/10/85K
SAFS R Mk III RaynardI5W4B-0-700/10/85K
Walrus Hover CarrierII12H4B-2?/0/1200/10/85K
HAFS Gladiator IIII5W5B-1-400/11/85K
HAFS Super Jerry IIII4W3B-1-300/11/85I
HAFS VelociraptorII4W3B-1-300/11/85I
HAFS Goblin IIII4W3B-12/1/2300/12/85K
HAFS CentaurII5W5B-1-400/00/86K
SAFS Space Type 2 Snake-eyeI4W (12B)5B-0-600/05/86II
AFS Mk I Banshee- GroundI4W2C-0-328/05/86F
- FlyingIII2F-
    When airborne, may use one aircraft extra weapon counter. May conduct landings like a PK41, and then it will perform like a normal walker
SAFS R Space Type 2 Sea PigI4W (12B)5B-0-900/08/86K
SAFS Mk III RaptorI6W5B-0-600/08/86II
SAFS WolverineI5W3B-0-500/12/86F
Pkf.87 Falke IIIII4F4A--500/00/87II
SAFS FalkeI5W4B-0-500/00/87K

Certain space type units are listed because they have been involved in ground actions.
For more information on these units, see the Space Combat rules.

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